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Wall Volunteer Fire Department - Homepage

Wall VFD Station 2

New Substation Location is: 2650 S US 87 

3-23-22 Land donated for the new substation,Thank you Lord!

6-14-22 Driveway off of 87 South almost complete.

7-14-22 Pad work has started!

8-18-22 Rebar and plumbing in place.

8-20-22 Blessed with base material for the substation!

8-24-22 Poured main slab with great weather.

9-07-22 Poured approach and almost framed up!

9-14-22 Tin is on. Drone Shots added, thanks Joey! 

10-11-22 Rain water storage completed, let it rain!

10-20-22 Insulated and painted.

12-06-22 Nearing completion!

12-07-22 Not open yet, but the lights are on.

12-22-22 Open For Calls!

03-27-2023 Septic system completed, thank you Sefcik Construction for you generous donation!

04-26-2023 Station sign installed, Thank you FASTSIGNS!


  • Thank you Sefcik Construction for your donation of our septic system!
  • Wall VFD Station 2
    Wall VFD Station #2
  • Wall VFD Sign Provided by FASTSIGNS of San Angelo
    Wall VFD Station #2 sign installed, Thank You FASTSIGNS!